Faroe Islands

Private sale - Faroe Islands



No. Description DKK
6030     Reserved
6039 PERFINS: 1940/41; 20 on 1ø and Numeral 10ø with perfin „V.L.“, the latter perfin mirrored, together with Caravelle 40ø and 6ø (sold on Thorshavn post office as 5ø), all tied by cds. „THORSHAVN 29.5.41“ to COD coupon, few minor imperfection are of no further significance, only three clips are known with V.L. perfin and 6ø sold as 5 øre Reserved
6040 1940/41, three pieces franked with 30, 45 and 60ø, consisting of 20 on 1ø together with vertical pair Numeral 5ø, 20 on 1ø, vertical pair together with Numeral 5ø, 20 on 1ø togehter with Caravelle 40ø, all with perfin, all tied by cds. „THORSHAVN“, a fine group 900-
6042 1940/41, three pieces showing 20 on 1ø with perfin „V.L.“ together with 6ø, and 20 on 5ø and Numeral 5ø, both with perfin, and Numeral 6ø as single with perfin, all tied by cds. „THORSHAVN 30.5.41“, fine Reserved
6044 1940/41, three pieces franked with 30, 45 and 60ø, consisting of 20 on 5ø together with vertical pair Numeral 5ø, 20 on 5ø, vertical pair together with Numeral 5ø, 20 on 5ø, three singles, all with perfin, all tied by cds. „THORSHAVN“, a fine group 900-
6045 1940/41, two pieces franked with 30 and 45ø, consisting of 20 on 5ø together with Numeral 5ø, and 20 on 5ø as vertical pair together with Numeral 5ø. alll with perfin, all tied by cds. „THORSHAVN“, fine 600-

PERFINS: 1940/44, interesting group of 7 pieces and 6 covers with Perfin „V.L.“ (Valdemar Lützen) including Mi.-Nr. 2 with Perfin together with Mi.-Nr. 5-6 on cover, written up, good condition 3.350-
6119 3.200-
6128 7.500-
6223 4.200-
6235 3.500-
6255 1.200-
6256 1.200-
6257 1.200-
6264 4.000-
6300 1943, Reused cover cancelled Thorshavn 07-09-1943 and Skopen. 250-
6301 20/15 øre cancelled Klaksvig 11-02-1941 150-
6302 20/15 øre cancelled Thorshavn 08-11-1940 100-
6303 20/05 øre cancelled Thorshavn 21-04-1941 cover to Denmark, censored in England and closed with „P.C. 90 4466“ closing strip, further German censored with censor strip of Frankfurt on reverse, stamps with minor imperfections, scarce and attractive 400-
6304 1940, 14.11, 20 on 15ø with additional Danish franking tied by cds. „THORSHAVN 14.11.40“ to airmail cover via England to New York, censored in England and closed with „P.C.90 1219“ closing strip, some transportation wear, early scarce and attractive cover. 400-